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A competition for startups. The winner won not only a sizable cash prize


The program of this year's Evolutions: Meetup & Showcase, which took place on Thursday, June 20, also included a startup competition. This is a key element of the event, in which six selected companies competed for cash prizes and tickets to leading European technology events.

The startup competition, held at the New Horizons Cinema, was part of the region’s largest startup event, Evolutions: Meetup & Showcase. This two-day event brought together innovators, investors, technology experts and mentors. It also allowed for the exchange of experiences, meetings with experts and energetic networking. Participants were able to gain knowledge, inspiration and valuable contacts, helpful in developing their own companies.

3 minutes to present your own idea

As part of the competition, six selected startups presented their business ideas to a panel of experts, investors and a live audience. Each had 3 minutes to present and 3 minutes to answer questions from the audience, allowing them to both share their vision and receive feedback on their project.

The winner of the competition was BeeSpeaker, while second place went to startup Rayscape and third place went to Codejet. In turn, the audience award and the visux award went to Hustro. The AIP seed award went to NANO Diamonds, and the Startup Founders Award went to Codejet.

A chance for more than just prizes

The top three places received grants worth a total of 180 thousand euros to be used in OVHcloud and 38 thousand zlotys.

Participation in the startup competition was not only a chance to win these prizes, but also prestige and support in the development of technology and market position of young companies. It turned out to be an excellent opportunity to present their business idea in front of the event’s attendees and make contacts with potential investors.

They even came from Romania

According to Paulina Muszyńska, head of Startup Wroclaw, in addition to local startups, founders from different regions of Poland and one as far away as Romania also came to Wroclaw.

“This year’s competition is all about a very high level and diverse projects that are sure to revolutionize the world, but also a record prize pool.Congratulations to all the finalists.”
– Paulina Muszyńska, Head of Startup Wroclaw

The organizers of Evolutions: Meetup & Showcase were Startup Wroclaw and OVHcloud Startup Program.
