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Do you love taking pictures? Join the Lens community


Introducing another Wroclaw-based startup! This time it's an application for photographic artists who would like to share their work and earn money from it at the same time. It is for them that Lukasz Urbanski created the Lens app.

Lens is a photo publishing application. Users can share their photos, discover the work of others and network in a community of photography lovers. There are no videos or long posts, allowing users to focus entirely on the art of photography.

At the heart of Lens is an advanced algorithm that promotes creators and their work based on quality, community engagement and individual user preferences. The algorithm is designed not to favor popular accounts, but to give everyone an equal chance of being noticed, regardless of the number of followers. This gives creators fair support and greater visibility for their work – says Lukasz Urbanski, the app’s creator and founder of the startup.

Urbanski has a background in computer science, so his perspective on how technology can be used to improve people’s lives is unique. Users of the app not only share impressions, but also earn money from their interactions. Lens implements a transparent and fair revenue-sharing program. Users with a creator account receive a portion of the money from each interaction they receive from other users with paid accounts. This model incentivizes the creation of quality content and activity.

Importantly, Lens is an ad-free platform. Users can focus solely on photography. The lack of commercial content enhances the quality of the application and creates an authentic and engaging community. Lens is poised to become a leading space for photography enthusiasts around the world.
