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LAPARO made APEX. The first Polish simulator for learning laparoscopy in VR technology was created in Wroclaw


Laparo - symulator laparaskopowy

A team of engineers from the Wroclaw company LAPARO has introduced a unique device - APEX. It is the first Polish laparoscopic trainer that enables simulation in the virtual world (VR) and practical exercises in the real world. The device is used to learn and improve surgical skills.

Laparo - symulator laparaskopowy

Engineers from the Wroclaw-based company LAPARO emphasize that hybrid simulators are a new solution that is gaining popularity due to its unique, double nature. These innovative devices combine the advantages of simple trainers, enabling learning manual skills as well as simulating complex laparoscopic procedures in the virtual world.

The Apex helps to minimize the possibility of a surgeon making a mistake thanks to simulation. Students undergo comprehensive practical training in close to real conditions, but without exposing patients to the risk of inexperience or stress

- Mateusz Rulewicz, co-founder, CEO of LAPARO

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The company’s representatives emphasize that the Apex simulator is a solution that perfectly fits the specifics of minimally invasive surgery and limited access to practical exercises.

– The surgeon has to deal with a limited field of view, non-intuitive handling of tools, as well as a different perception and sense of depth – adds Radosław Nowosielski, co-founder, CTO LAPARO.

LAPARO – laparoscopy, i.e. operating through the keyhole

Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive method that allows the operation to be performed without significantly opening the skin. The procedure is limited to a few small incisions through which the tools and the camera are inserted.

Thanks to the laparoscopic procedure, the patient recovers faster, experiences less pain and leaves the hospital quickly. It is also less likely to develop nosocomial infections and has less visible scarring. Hospitals performing procedures using this method record savings from shorter time of carrying out the procedure itself and hospitalization of the patient.

APEX – the first Polish simulator for learning laparoscopy in VR technology

Radosław Nowosielski adds that virtual reality in medicine is an area with fascinating possibilities. Apex fits perfectly into the development of medical education in a world affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

– With further restrictions on clinical experience for medical students, as well as limited teaching capacity for residents who have to deal with sudden large numbers of patients, there is an increasing need to find an urgent practical solution for teaching medical staff. The current trend is a decrease in the number of treatments performed, and therefore also opportunities for practical exercises for young specialists. Simulation in surgery enables practical training with increased efficiency and effectiveness compared to traditional internships in the operating room, which require a lot of time – Radosław Nowosielski, co-founder, CTO LAPARO.

LAPARO Medical Simulators

LAPARO has been operating in Wroclaw since 2015. The company was founded by: Mateusz Juszczak, Radosław Nowosielski and Mateusz Rulewicz.

The company specializes in the production of medical simulators, primarily laparoscopic training devices for medical students and doctors. Laparo trainers have been sold to over 90 countries around the world. Currently, entrepreneurs are working on the further expansion of the distribution network and developing new technological solutions in the field of medical simulation.
