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Learn the stories behind the rise of American giants Apple and Netflix! – Startup WRO Meetup #4


Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency and Startup Wroclaw invite you to the last Startup WRO Meetup this year! On November 22 at Basecamp (Sienkiewicza 18/22) we will learn the stories of the creation of giants such as Apple and Netflix! Under the theme "Across the Atlantic", not only local innovators will meet, but also special guests from the US.

Come and be inspired!

The success stories of Apple and Netflix are fascinating tales of perseverance, innovation and determination that helped create two global giants in the technology and entertainment industries. Speakers on stage will include Arthur Mrozowski, co-creator of Netflix’s first success story, and Daniel Kottke, one of Apple’s first employees, who will provide valuable tips for future entrepreneurs.

Learn about the history of Netflix

One of the speakers will be Arthur Mrozowski, co-creator of Netflix’s first success story. Netflix, now known around the world as a streaming platform, began as a DVD rental company and grew into an online entertainment giant. The story of this groundbreaking venture is full of challenges, changes and innovations that have contributed to its current position in the market.

On stage, one of Apple’s first employees

The next speaker will be Daniel Kottke, one of Apple’s first employees. Apple, founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Its beginnings were humble, starting in a garage, but with revolutionary products such as the Macintosh, iPhone and iPad, the company has become an icon in the technology industry. Daniel Kottke will share his memories and experiences as a witness to Apple’s birth and growth.


17:00 – 17:30 Registration

17:30 Welcome

17:35 Speech #1 What advantages do Polish technology projects have? Lessons from the US market.
Sergiusz Borysławski – Partner and long-time member of the management board of DataWalk S.A.

17:50 Panel Discussion

moderator: Tomasz Szarek – Managing Partner at SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM
Arthur Mrozowski – Managing Partner Silicon Hill Ventures LLC, Co-founder Looptronic IoT wearables, co-creator of NETFLIX’s first success story
Daniel Kottke – Close associate of Steve Jobs, one of Apple’s first employees
Zbigniew Stańczyk – Hoover Institution, Stanford University

18:50 Speech #2

19:05 Networking

21:00 Closing

We invite all new technology creators, founders, investors, students and anyone who wants to learn more about the path to success in the technology and entertainment industry. This event is sure to provide a lot of inspiration and knowledge that can help you develop your own startup or career. See you on November 22 at Basecamp!

Tickets are going fast! Pick up your free pass now at: https://meetup.startupwroclaw.pl/

Strategic partners of the event: BNP Paribas Bank and SDZ Legal Schindhelm

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