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Life without pricking your finger. GlucoActive, knows how to help diabetics


Robert Stachurski, założyciel i prezes GlucoActive

GlucoActive, a Wroclaw-based medtech startup, is successfully working on a state-of-the-art glucometer for diabetics. Their GlucoStation is the world's first clinically tested non-invasive glucometer. Thanks to it, diabetics will be able to live without finger pricks. The device is expected to go on sale as early as 2023.

Robert Stachurski, założyciel i prezes GlucoActive

Medtech GlucoActive non-invasive glucose meter

The importance of the Wrocław invention is best demonstrated by the title of an article in Forbes – “Polish GlucoActive at the forefront of the race for the Holy Grail of biotechnology. It is ahead of giants with billion-dollar budgets”. It’s about a Wrocław start-up GlucoActive, which invented and made a non-invasive glucose meter, soon to be available for patients.GlucoStation is currently being configured. The final version of the new device will be presented in the middle of this year.

GlucoActive How the device works

Diabetes, according to the World Health Organisation, is an epidemic of the 21st century, which could affect up to one in three of us in the next 30 years. Currently, living with this disease is possible, but it significantly reduces comfort. Controlling glucose levels requires daily pricking of the fingers.

GlucoActive glucose meter is to be an attractive alternative to both strip glucose meters and semi-invasive solutions. The Wroclaw-based device will provide accurate measurement results without the need to prick the body or take any physiological fluids. An application coupled with the device will automatically record the measured parameters and inform the user about potentially alarming results.

GlucoActive: GlucoStation, GlucoFit

Currently, GlucoActive has started to deploy two types of devices:

  • GlucoStation 1.0 – is a desktop device that can be used by anyone. It requires a one-time calibration (on sale in the first half of 2023). The next version GlucoStation 2.0 (on sale in the second half of 2023) will not require calibration. These devices will be intended mainly for medical institutions, pharmacies, all public places and for home use by diabetics. Thanks to GlucoStation, everyone will be able to measure their blood glucose levels quickly and painlessly.
  • GlucoFit (on sale from 2024) – is a wearable device in the form of a wristband and a watch, which enables continuous, 24-hour and non-invasive blood glucose measurement. It is aimed at every diabetic, regardless of the type of disease, but also for athletes.

GlucoActive blood glucose meter – when you can buy it

The stationary GlucoStation could go on sale as early as 2023. To ensure that its purchase is not too much of a burden on household budgets, we are also planning to introduce hire purchase or subscription sales. In parallel, we will hold talks with the National Health Fund. All this so that the world’s first non-invasive medical glucometer could be refunded to Polish patients – Robert Stachurski, the president of GlucoActive.

How much will the GlucoActive meter cost?

Patients will pay for the non-invasive glucometer GlucoActive about 4.5 thousand PLN. GlucoActive representatives want their device to be available in many countries. It is worth fighting for, because the International Diabetes Federation estimates that over 400 million people around the world suffer from diabetes.

Importantly, the purchase of such a device will be a one-off expense. So there is no question of buying additional strips, needles or sensors – adds Robert Stachurski.

It is estimated that an adult suffering from diabetes may spend on examination and treatment even up to 1200 PLN per month. This amount includes, among others, insertions, syringes, insulin pumps, glucometers, glucose strips or treatments . Already in 2019, for most diagnosed patients, such expenses accounted for up to 10 percent of the family budget.

GlucoActive: measurement of glucose, cholesterol, haemoglobin

GlucoActive creates solutions in the field of modern medicine, focusing on non-invasive measurement of not only blood glucose, but also other substances such as cholesterol, haemoglobin, hydration and many others.

GlucoActive startup from Wrocław: a success story

The idea for the creation of GlucoActive came about in 2015. GlucoActive devices were invented and made by a team (currently 30 people work in the company), consisting mostly of graduates of Wroclaw University of Technology. They are headed by Robert Stachurski, the founder and CEO of GlucoActive. GlucoActive company has its headquarters in Wroclaw at 7 Ksawery Liske Street.
