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Poland Prize powered by Concordia Design Accelerator. Wroclaw a magnet for foreign startups


31 foreign startups have been attracted to Poland, thanks to the Poland Prize powered by Concordia Design Accelerator program. They received nearly PLN 9 million for development. The activities of Concordia Design Accelerator have also benefited residents of Wroclaw. See what they have done.

Poland Prize powered by Concordia Design Accelerator, is a project co-financed by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, and run by the team of Concordia Design Wrocław from Słodowa Island.

Poland Prize powered by Concordia Design Accelerator. See what they did

Its goal was to attract international innovators to our country, to make it easier for them to launch their businesses and establish their first business relationships. The foreign startup, once settled in Poland, worked through the program in two tracks. In the first, its product was tested by a mature company or public institution.

In the second, a Polish Venture Capital fund helped him prepare to raise capital.

“The program was very successful. We received more than 330 applications from all over the world, and 31 companies registered in Poland. Thanks to their work, they received a total of PLN 9 million in development grants from us. The program proved that our team works with startups on an international level, and that Wroclaw and the companies and funds that operate here are a magnet for innovators from other countries.”
– Ewa Kaucz, managing director of Concordia Design Wroclaw and head of Concordia Design Accelerator

Concordia Design Accelerator. Benefits for startups

Concordia Design Accelerator has brought tangible business benefits to startups. Thanks to the cooperation in the program, the CofounderZone fund, together with a group of business angels, invested in Milluu, a Romanian apartment rental platform. The startup received a total of €1 million from investors.

Smart City and Concordia Design Accelerator. Wroclaw residents have benefited

Concordia Design Accelerator’s activities have also benefited residents of Wroclaw. The city tested a traffic monitoring application developed by Greece’s Deeptraffic. The app advised on the optimal route to take or pointed out incidents on the road.

It sent up to 1,000 messages daily to all users, including 60 per hour during rush hour.

“Basing our activities on the idea of Smart City, we have for years been at the forefront of cities that create space for entrepreneurs, startups, or scientists to test and implement innovative solutions that contribute to improving the quality of life of Wroclaw residents. This is evidenced, for example, by our participation in a project carried out in cooperation with Concordia Design and Deepptraffic.”
– Robert Bednarski, director of Smart City at the Department of City Promotion and Tourism at the City Hall of Wrocław

The foreign startup’s product was also tested in one of the city’s biggest tourist attractions – the Wroclaw zoo.

Two Selfie Sculpture devices produced by the Croatian company Look@ were placed at the zoo. The special sculptures took free photos, which Zoo Wroclaw visitors received at their e-mail address. The background for the photographs from the first device was an enclosure with bison, and for the second an enclosure with Indian rhinos. Nearly 29,500 photos were taken from both Selfie Sculptures, with a total of more than 84,000 people in attendance!

“We are pleased that our project has gained not only a business dimension, but also a social one. We hope to implement similar projects in the future.” – adds Ewa Kaucz

Concordia Design Accelerator Business Partners

Balluff, Cloudflight Poland (formerly Divante) Cofounder Zone, CSHARK, Dolnośląska Zielona Dolina, FundingBox VC, Domar Interior Gallery, Grupa Komunikacja Plus, Lotniczy Dworzec Towarowy Wrocław, City of Wrocław, MMB Drives, Movens VC, MPWiK Wrocław, QuantUp, RST Software Masters, Satus VC, Shape VC, Synevo, TestArmy Group, Unfold VC, WKK Wrocław, ZOO Wrocław.
