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Startup Bike Idea is producing electric cargo bikes in Wrocław.
They serve couriers and families with kids


Idea Bike

Electric cargo bikes that can carry a parcel, a food delivery or even a child. The Bike Idea company from Wrocław produces unique single-wheelers that are recognised not only in Poland, but also in Germany or France. By the end of 2022, several dozen such vehicles will be built under the urvis.bike project.

Idea Bike

A prototype of the cargo bike was developed in March 2021. The first unit was presented in December. The electric bicycles were intended to benefit logistics in the city, saving money, time and going green at the same time.
The bicycle is built entirely in Poland. First, a ready-welded and painted frame arrives in Wrocław, then the Bike Idea team puts the construction together. The finished bicycles go not only to other remaining Polish cities, but also to other countries.

“Demand is high, although not only in Poland. It turns out that most of the companies and people who approach us come from Germany and France. There, the cargo bike boom already started a few years ago.”
-Paweł Raja, CEO & founder of Urvis Bike

Demand not only among couriers and delivery drivers

The originators of the project have no doubt that an electric drive is capable of greatly easing the burden on the driver. All the more so as the vehicle is ultimately intended to be used for transporting parcels or luggage. But not only! Bike Idea is currently working on the creation of arms, a box or booth to facilitate the transportation of the little ones.

“We assumed that this bicycle would be used in typical courier or catering industries – where parcels and food have to be delivered. It turned out to be quite different and we were approached by a different type of customer. These are individual customers, i.e. families who want to transport children.”
-Paweł Raja, CEO & founder of Urvis Bike

Several dozen bicycles will soon be built

The cargo bike manufactured in Wrocław weighs 51 kg and is 271 cm long. The load capacity – including the weight of the bike and the rider – is 200 kg. According to the authors, the rather large dimensions are not perceptible precisely thanks to the electric drive. A single charge of the battery is enough for about 80 kilometres and costs no more than one zloty.

The three-person Bike Idea team has already produced 10 bikes. Another 10 will be built by the end of July, and 50 electric unicycles are still to be put into service in 2022.

The cost of a bicycle is PLN 19,000 net. However, it can also be hired as a subscription service.
