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Why Wroclaw?


Being one of the largest and developed cities in Poland, Wroclaw is filled with various industries such as IT, automotive, engineering, and many more. The capital of Lower Silesia has been widely recognised worldwide and is constantly attracting new investors. Both tourists and locals express appreciation for the friendliness and openness of Wroclaw, which makes the city a popular destination.

Perfect location and connectivity

Wroclaw is situated strategically between Prague, Warsaw and Berlin, each reachable by car in less than 5 hours. Due to an excellent infrastructure - modern motorways, a constantly growing airport and an expanded railway network – the city is perfectly connected with the rest of the world. Numerous bus & tram lines, municipal car sharing systems of electric cars and electric scooters, together with the City Bike System, make it easy to move around Wroclaw quickly and encourage inhabitants to be eco-friendly.

Most Rędziński we Wrocławiu wieczorem

Competent and creative talents

The metropolitan area of Wroclaw, inhabited by 1,200,000 people, is a great source of educated specialists whose knowledge and skills, together with their great command of foreign languages, are highly appreciated by companies from all sectors. This number is also predicted to stay almost unchanged in the next 30 years, thanks to the constant inflow of new inhabitants.

Wrocław - rzeźba WRO
Blue moon

Recognised university hub

Wroclaw is the third largest academic centre in Poland, attracting young people from all over the country, Europe and even further destinations. Each year, both public and private universities educate nearly 108,000 talented individuals, who are very much appreciated by the local business. Students start their cooperation with companies during their 2nd and sometimes even 1st year of studies, whereas part time employment during 3rd or later years is almost a rule.

Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Blue moon

In the latest report of the Startup Poland Foundation, "Polish Startups 2023," the Lower Silesia region with Wroclaw took first place for the second time in a row in terms of the number of registered startups. This means that we offer innovators what they really need.

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Green background

Innovation and creativity

Thirst for knowledge and rapid growth drive Wroclaw creativity. IT, biotechnology, engineering, chemistry and pharmaceutical sectors are just a few industries represented in the region by large international brands, as well as locally established startups. Great support offered by over 30 incubators and coworking spaces, together with vast networking events at hand, foster the creation of yet more micro businesses.

Most Rędziński z góry nocą

High quality of life

European Capital of Culture 2016 and Best European Destination 2018, Wroclaw is a fantastic place to live, study and work. Its rich and diverse cultural offer will allow everybody to find the best means of entertainment within the most preferable surrounding – be it a park, the Old Town with its Market Square, the historic Cathedral Island of Ostrów Tumski or any other place.

Młodzi ludzie odpoczywający przy Bulwarze we Wrocławiu
Blue moon

Business friendly

The economy of Wroclaw is based on knowledge enterprises, which are focusing on providing professional, scientific and technical services. Significant intensification of activities can also be observed in industries such as automotive, mechanical engineering, pharmacy, modern business services, IT & ICT. The diversification of the market in Wroclaw is really unique and creates vast possibilities and opportunities for inhabitants.

Wrocław - rondo Reagana
Blue moon