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Wroclaw startups among the best bio and nanotechnology companies in Poland


Przedstawiciele wrocławskich spólek biotechnologicznych

On the list of top 10 Polish bio and nanotechnology startups - half of them are companies from Wroclaw. The ranking was prepared by the business magazine "My Company Polska".

Przedstawiciele wrocławskich spólek biotechnologicznych

Wrocław startups: Biotts, Genomtec, Bioceltix, QNA Technology, Pure Biologics were among the 10 best Polish young companies creating modern solutions in bio and nanotechnology. Other companies are: Urteste, NanoVelos, Nanoxo, UVera and genXone.

According to the business magazine “My Company Polska”, which published the list, Polish biotech and nanotech companies are becoming stars of the domestic startup ecosystem. These companies create solutions useful in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, cancer treatment or instant diagnostics.

The commentary underlines that although financing such initiatives is rather a long-term investment, VC funds are increasingly interested in them. This is hardly surprising, as according to a report by Clear Communication Group from the end of 2020, the value of the biotech market in Poland could already exceed PLN 2 billion. – The main problem of the industry is the lack of a friendly ecosystem, consisting of an appropriate legal framework, a clear financing system, well-educated personnel and effective cooperation between people from industry and science,” writes the introduction to the report “The biotech industry in focus. The world of medical technologies after COVID-19′.

Wroclaw-based Biotts with breakthrough technology to fight cancer and diabetes

Biotts hacks the human body: breakthrough technology fights cancer and diabetes. The Wrocław startup has been recognised by Americans. Biotts is among the best European companies selected for the Google for Startups accelerator.

Scientists from Biotts in Wrocław are working on a unique transdermal system. There is a chance that the Polish technology will revolutionise the methods of administering medicines and vaccines, also against COVID-19. The solutions of the Wrocław company enable the transportation of medicines through the skin – until now, the administration of most therapeutic substances in this way has been impossible.

The flagship solution of Genomtec is a mobile diagnostic system

Wrocław-based startup Genomtec is creating a mobile platform for genetic diagnostics at the point of patient care and has patented the first rapid diagnostic kit SARS-CoV-2. Dolnośląskie Centrum Medyczne DOLMED S.A. will be the reference laboratory for the products offered by Genomtec S.A.

Genomtec has already won the competition organised as part of Hubweek in Boston, won the Next Health Investment Pitch competition and was among the finalists of the Biomed PFR Academy. He also won the CVC Young Innovator Awards organised as part of the MIT Enterprise Forum Poland accelerator.

Biocelitx – modern biological drugs for animals

What the Wrocław-based Bioceltix is doing has already been appreciated by investors. In November 2021 the startup Biocelitx successfully debuted on New Connect and is the only veterinary biotechnology company on the Polish stock exchange. Bioceltix, on the basis of its original technology, wants to make modern biological medicines for animals.

In 2021 Bioceltix has signed an agreement with an international Clinical Research Organization (CRO) to conduct a comprehensive clinical trial for a drug used to treat osteoarthritic lesions in dogs. This choice is no coincidence, as the same company was involved in the development and marketing authorisation of the world’s first stem cell-based veterinary medicinal product.

QNA Technology develops semiconductor quantum dot technology

Wrocław-based QNA Technology is a manufacturer of quantum dots and quantum inks. They specialise in designing and manufacturing colloidal semiconductor nanostructures and modifying their surface. They offer both quantum dots (QNA.dots) and also quantum dot-based inks (QNA.ink). What QNA Technology is doing could change a number of market sectors, such as display manufacturing and photovoltaics.

QNA Technology was founded in December 2016. Its founders and leaders are Artur Podhorodecki, PhD and Mateusz Banski, PhD. In addition to engineering and manufacturing nanostructures, the company also provides comprehensive consulting services for the implementation of its solutions.

Pure Biologics improves patients’ quality of life

Wroclaw-based Pure Biologics offers solutions in the field of biological immuno-oncology drugs and extracorporeal therapies for patients with autoimmune, neurological and rare diseases. Pure Biologics carries out projects developing molecules that activate and direct immune system cells to destroy cancer.

Thanks to proprietary technology platforms, they can work on all stages of discovery in drug, therapeutic and diagnostic projects up to preclinical testing. Pure Biologics is also a partner in numerous research and development projects carried out by Polish and foreign scientific entities.

Pure Biologics was established in 2010. The founders were graduates and scientists of the Faculty of Biotechnology at the University of Wrocław. Since 2020, Pure Biologics has been listed on the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
