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News & Events


What's going on in the city's business ecosystem? Don’t miss the most interesting events and be up to date with the latest news!


Wroclaw-based Infermedica won 120 million PLN for technology development.


What Infermedica has come up with is used for the initial diagnosis of patients by Allianz, Microsoft and PZU Zdrowie among others. Now, the Wrocław-based startup, for the development of a solution based on artificial intellig...

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Infermedica - zespół
Konrad Krajewski, Jan Meler i Paweł Biernat

Biotts opens laboratory and cooperates with pharmaceutical giant Servier


There goes the new in biotechnology - Biotts, a startup from Wroclaw, begins cooperation with Servier, an international pharmaceutical company. The Wrocław-based startup has just moved into a new laboratory in Bielany Wrocławs...

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A new major is being launched at the University of Economics: Startup Leadership Program


Startups are a form of business often chosen by young people. It is usually accompanied by high growth dynamics and a rapidly growing team. It is a big challenge for a young leader, so it is important that he/she has the right...

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Startups worth watching
in 2022


Startup portal of the Polish Development Fund Group has presented young companies worth watching in 2022. The list does not lack startups connected to Wrocław.

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Nutribiomed with the status of the National Key Cluster


The Nutribiomed cluster, coordinated by the Wrocław Technology Park (WPT), received the status of a National Key Cluster. This means that it is important for the country's economy and high level of international competitivenes...

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zdjęcie laboratorium Wrocławskiego Parku Technologicznego