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Game Time Project Wroclaw makes ReQiu. Computer game for recruitment and assessment


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ReQiu is an online tool for assessing personality profiles and soft skills predispositions based on a computer game. In this way the Wroclaw startup Game Time Project wants to revolutionise the HR market.

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ReQiu is an online game-based personality assessment tool that allows for the highest quality of conclusions about the examined people. ReQiu is an alternative to questionnaires used in recruitment and employee assessment processes.

– People going through the assessment process visit a virtual office where they are supposed to have their “trial day”. During the game, the player can move freely around the office, interact with characters, visit different departments and perform tasks – says Piotr Zjawiony, CEO Game Time Project

The identification and measurement of features is based on the measurement of several thousand measurement points, providing data for statistical algorithms and classifiers. Conclusions about the psychological profile of a candidate are based on his behaviour in the game environment, which allows us to obtain reliable and credible conclusions.

ReQiu recruitment and employee assessment

ReQiu can be used in various processes: as a stage in onboarding, employee assessment or recruitment. Moreover, it provides information that can be successfully used in the context of internal assessment and talent management.

  • The work on ReQiu took over two years, and the project was supported by the National Centre for Research and Development, in addition to individual investors.
  • Thanks to a series of scientific studies, advanced analytical methods and the use of machine learning, one of the most innovative tools available on the market in the game-based assessment segment was created.

ReQiu computer game for recruitment and assessment with Polish Innovation Award 2020

Game Time Project Wrocław launched ReQiu on the Polish market in August 2020. In the same year, the Wrocław-based company received 3 award nominations: Polish Intelligent Development Award, Business Support Symbol and Polish Innovation Award.

In a programme run by the Polish Entrepreneurship Agency and the editors of Forum Przedsiębiorczości and Biznes Plus, ReQiu won the Polish Innovation Award 2020.

– In 2021, the company plans to increase its range and in the next step to go beyond the borders of Poland with ReQiu – adds Piotr Zjawiony

Game Time Project Wrocław makes ReQiu

Game Time Project Wrocław was established in 2018 and has its headquarters on Św. Mikołaja Street. The company brings together experts in areas such as psychology, technology or data analytics.

– Our goal is to provide the highest quality business solutions based on science, the latest technologies and game mechanics – emphasises the company’s president.

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