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Gamedev in Wroclaw Agglomeration 2022


The gamedev industry in the Wroclaw Agglomeration is developing at an incredible pace. Local game developers are already recognized not only on the national market, but also internationally. The Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency (ARAW) and Startup Wroclaw decided to take a look at this growing industry. The report "Gamedev in the Wroclaw Agglomeration" is not only a detailed analysis of the market, which is worth $180 billion worldwide, but also a gateway for investors, developers and gaming enthusiasts for future cooperation with local companies.

Blue moon

The report “Gamedev in the Wroclaw Agglomeration” aims to comprehensively diagnose and describe the activities of local gaming companies. Our researchers asked representatives of 25 companies operating in the market. Their answers made it possible to map the gaming environment of the Wroclaw Agglomeration and analyze its condition and development prospects, including the latest titles and plans for the future.
