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Brand24 from Wroclaw goes public on the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Promotion to the first business league


Financial Supervision Authority approved the prospectus of Brand24. Thus Wroclaw company got green light to change NewConnect into main market of Warsaw Stock Exchange. Michał Sadowski, co-founder and president of Brand24, is ...

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reqiu - wizualizacja

Game Time Project Wroclaw makes ReQiu. Computer game for recruitment and assessment


ReQiu is an online tool for assessing personality profiles and soft skills predispositions based on a computer game. In this way the Wroclaw startup Game Time Project wants to revolutionise the HR market.

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IT industry in Wroclaw: success, growth and transformation. Report


95% of IT companies in Wrocław have ambitious development plans and 84% want to expand their teams. However, the biggest challenge for employers is to attract experienced and highly specialised experts. Such conclusions can be...

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Raport 2019 Wrocławski Sektor IT
Startup Poland - The polish tech scene. 5 years

Startup Poland report. Victory for Wrocław!


- If there is a "Silicon Valley" in Poland, it is Wrocław and Lower Silesia, write experts from the Startup Poland foundation in their latest report on development of technology companies in our country. Wrocław is in the firs...

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