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Startups worth watching
in 2022



Startup portal of the Polish Development Fund Group has presented young companies worth watching in 2022. The list does not lack startups connected to Wrocław.


“Start-ups worth watching. Edition 2022” is a list prepared by an industry portal startup.pfdr.pl. The list includes 12 young companies that, according to the organisers, will “develop particularly interestingly this year” and are likely to be the most successful on the Polish startup scene.

Among those selected as Polish “unicorns” (i.e. a company valued at at least USD 1 billion) are three companies with Wroclaw origins: Thorium Space, Lume Label, Vestigit. 

Thorium Space – space telecommunications

Thorium Space in Psie Pole in Wrocław is working on an innovative solution in the field of space telecommunications. Under a project by the National Centre for Research and Development, it is creating an E-band transponder and antenna (the range of frequencies used by networks operating in the GSM standard), which will allow it to increase the speed of transmission in the satellite-to-Earth and satellite-to-satellite directions. In 2020, the company was awarded the title of “Eagle of Innovation” by the Rzeczpospolita in the category “Best technological solution – project”.

– We are a designer and constructor of innovative telecommunications systems for unique transmit and receive bands, enabling electronic beam steering and faster data transmission. We are currently conducting intensive research work. Our achievements so far have already allowed us to win contractors belonging to the world’s leading distributors of the most modern technological solutions and creators of computing software – informs Thorium Space.

Lume Label – technology that will turn Poland green

Lume Label is a startup of Krakow-Łódź-Wrocław origin. It creates a technology that will help recover plastic from waste sorting plants. The startup proposes a solution for labelling compostable plastics and sorting plastics, and in the future also multi-material and paper plastics.

– The process involves supplying luminescent molecular markers to printing companies, which, at the stage of printing the surface of the packaging, are added to the base lacquers or inks normally used in the production process. The luminescent markers guarantee the possibility of effective identification of the material from which the labelled packaging is made – describes Lume Label.

Vestigit – cyber security

Vestigit – is created by scientists connected with Wrocław University of Technology dealing with neural network cryptography and tradesmen from video and marketing industry. The company specialises in broadly defined cyber security and has developed technology to improve online video security.

– We believe that contrary to appearances, no one is anonymous on the Internet and everyone leaves a virtual trace, thanks to which we can fight against piracy and reduce the number of illegal broadcasts of films or sports materials that bring big losses to their authors – emphasise the creators of Vestigit.
