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SatRevolution from Wroclaw successfully participated in World Satellite Business Week. Americans invest


Przedstawiciele SatRevolution i Virgin Orbit na World Satellite Business Week w Paryżu

Virgin Orbit, an American space company, will invest in SatRevolution, a Wroclaw-based manufacturer of nanosatellites. The agreement was signed on 14th December this year during the Paris summit of World Satellite Business Week. The investment means that the startup, which began its career in Pracze Odrzańskie and has been conquering space for the last 5 years, is already worth $150 million.

Przedstawiciele SatRevolution i Virgin Orbit na World Satellite Business Week w Paryżu

  • SatRevolution and Richard Branson’s Virgin Orbit deal
  • This means that SatRevolution is now valued at $150 million
  • In November this year, SatRev signed an agreement with Neumann Space from Australia

Virgin Orbit is a company founded by Richard Branson. It specializes in sending small payloads into space.

Now Branson’s company will invest in SatRevolution in Wroclaw on Stablowicka Street (SatRev operates on the premises of Research Network Łukasiewicz – Port of Poland Technology Development Centre). The investment means that SatRev is currently valued at around $150 million.

Exactly how much SatRevolution will acquire from Virgin Orbit is unknown, as the companies do not reveal details. It is known that the Wroclaw company needs 30 million dollars for further development and part of this amount will be invested by Branson’s company.

The deal, signed during the World Satellite Business Week in Paris, follows the partnership established between SatRev and Virgin Orbit in June this year, through which the companies plan to develop business applications for use by nanosatellites. Read also: Wroclaw-based SatRevolution in the Middle East space program.

SatRev has so far launched two satellites from Virgin Orbit as part of the LauncherOne Tubular Bells: Part One mission. Two more SatRev satellites are awaiting launch as part of the Virgin Orbit Above the Clouds mission, which is expected to be launched next month.

SatRev NewSpace Nanosat

SatRev’s nanosatellite technologies include the Stork medium resolution Earth observation platform and ScopeSat. These technologies provide near real-time Earth observation capabilities at high resolution.

Grzegorz Zwolinski, co-founder and CEO of SatRev, emphasizes that the world needs more affordable Earth observation data and his company is able to offer that.

After four years of research and development by multidisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers, we are ready to enter the market. Our partnership with Virgin Orbit will help us develop key relationships with existing and new customers and provide us with the speed, momentum and capability to deliver long-term solutions – Grzegorz Zwolinski, co-founder and CEO of SatRev.

It is worth remembering that Wroclaw will also use the images taken by SatRevolution in space for sustainable development, Smart City and transportation. The founders of SatRevolution are the winners of the “30 Creative Wroclaw 2017” award.

SatRev and Virgin Orbit. Earth observation is worth billions of dollars

According to Euroconsult, the total value of the global market for satellite imagery (weekly mapping) services could reach $140 billion by 2026. The key to successfully entering this market is the ability to monitor the Earth at high resolution, high frequency and at an affordable price. SatRev and Virgin Orbit intend to work together in this market.

Small satellites are now doing the heavy lifting in the space sectors, and as technology evolves globally, so does SatRev's innovation. Through our ongoing partnership, Virgin Orbit and SatRev will expand opportunities in new markets with applications for Earth observation and beyond - applications that were only dreams yesterday. Together, we will continue Virgin Orbit's mission of opening up space for good. - Dan Hart, CEO of Virgin Orbit.

Green background
Green background

Virgin Orbit, founded by Sir Richard Branson in 2017, began commercial services in 2021 and has already delivered commercial, civil, national security and international satellites into orbit. Virgin Orbit’s LauncherOne rockets are designed and manufactured in Long Beach, California, and are launched from the air from a modified 747-400 aircraft carrier that enables Virgin Orbit to perform operations from locations around the world.

SatRev will build a satellite for Australian company Neumann Space

In November this year, the SatRevolution company concluded an agreement with Neumann Space from Australia. This is the first effect of the Polish company’s engagement in the recently established international initiative – The Australian Space Manufacturing Network (ASMN).

ASMN was formed by Gilmour Space Technologies, an Australian company, which – with the support of VC funding, the Australian government and the other founding members – is planning a $150 million project under the federal government’s Modern Manufacturing Initiative – Collaboration program. Preparatory work for the project will start soon, with implementation expected in the third quarter of 2022.

– Under the agreement, SatRevolution will deliver the 6U platform and Neumann Space, which specializes in building satellite engines, will prepare the propulsion system for it. Thanks to this cooperation we will create a solution, which in the future will be offered as a ready-to-use product for commercial applications – explains Grzegorz Zwoliński.

SatRevolution: contracts, orders, employment

SatRev’s current customers and partners include: SkyWatch, Spiral Blue, Neumann Space, SkyServe, UP42, AIKO and many others. Many companies are also currently testing the use of SatRev technology for various applications. SatRev’s current contract value exceeds $50 million; the company already has approximately $18 million worth of orders secured.

You can participate in SatRevolution projects, because the company is looking for employees – SatRevolution: jobs and recruitment.

SatRevolution – a Wroclaw-based startup from Pracze Odrzanskie

SatRevolution S.A. was founded in June 2016 by Grzegorz Zwoliński, Damian Fijałkowski and Radosław Łapczyński, creators of the Wroclaw-based T-Bull S.A. studio, a leading Polish mobile game developer.

SatRev specializes in the design, manufacture and operation of satellites and data analytics and is creating a constellation of real-time Earth observations. Its goal is to become the world’s largest Earth observation satellite operator, delivering 1,024 nanosatellites to low Earth orbit by 2026 to provide 24/7 Earth observation.

  • In October 2019, the company formed a consortium with Virgin Orbit and more than a dozen Polish universities to design and conduct the world’s first dedicated commercial satellite mission to Mars.
  • In June 2021. SatRevolution placed two satellites, STORK-4 and STORK-5 Marta, into low Earth orbit, with STORK-3 and SteamSat-2 scheduled for launch in December 2021.
  • The company also plans to launch CubeSat, Oman’s first nanosatellite, by the end of 2022.

SatRev’s satellites can be used to address utilization and resource optimization issues across a wide range of topics, including precision agriculture, precision agriculture energy resource monitoring, defense logistics and intelligence, and transportation infrastructure monitoring. Current investors include Polish VC funds such as Infini, Newberg, Tech Invest Group and Kvarko.

Space industry Wroclaw

SatRev is not the only Wroclaw-based company that is successfully making its way in the space industry. At the beginning of December this year, we reported that Scanway from Wroclaw and Berlin-based German Orbital Systems are preparing a joint space mission STAR VIBE. Their satellite will be launched from Florida in mid-2022 aboard SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket. The creators of Scanway are the winners of the “30 Creative Wroclaw 2017”.
