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It doesn’t matter what stage your startup is - here you will find valuable content that may help you go over your idea, make a first step, improve your business or come up with clever solutions.

#Business #Technologies

Gamedev in Wroclaw Agglomeration 2022


The gamedev industry in the Wroclaw Agglomeration is developing at an incredible pace. Local game developers are already recognized not only on the national market, but also internationally. The Wroclaw…

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#Business #Technologies

Driven by knowledge, people & innovation 2021


Wrocław is a national leader in attracting foreign direct investments, a city that is proud of its dynamic economic development, low unemployment rate, high quality of life, vivid startup ecosystem,…

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Driven by Knowledge - raport
#Business #Technologies

The AI Sector in the Wroclaw Agglomeration 2021


Artificial intelligence in the Wroclaw Agglomeration - description of the sector and development potential, new report of Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency.

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Report - The AI Sector in the Wroclaw Agglomeration 2021
#Business #Technologies

Lower Silesia – a region of innovations


Chemistry and pharmacy, high-quality food, natural and recycled raw materials.

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Chemistry and pharmacy, high-quality food, natural and recycled raw materials.
#Business #Technologies

Lower Silesia – a region of innovations


Spatial mobility, information and communications technology (ICT), manufacture of machines and appliances/material processing

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Report - Spatial mobility, information and communications technology (ICT), manufacture of machines and appliances/material processing
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Startup base

Wroclaw is one of the biggest startup hubs in Poland. Check what fantastic startups are based here.

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